Quel matériel acheter ?

Les émetteurs - récepteurs

Radio amateur - Quel matériel acheter ? Les émetteurs - récepteurs...

vignette quel materiel acheter carre

Vous êtes débutants et aimeriez découvrir l'activité radioamateur d'un peu plus près mais, par où commencer ?

Que vous ayez déjà fait un peu d'écoute via les Websdr ou pas. Que vous soyez 100% débutants ou pas, c'est souvent la même question qui revient au début : "Quel matériel dois-je acheter pour commencer ?". 

C'est pour cette raison que j'ai réalisé cette vidéo "Radio amateur - Quel matériel acheter ?" et que je l'ai mise en ligne il y a peu sur ma chaîne youtube.

La limite d'une telle vidéo, c'est que l'on ne peut pas donner tous les détails techniques de chaque matériel présenté. Cela serait beaucoup trop long et sans grand intérêt. Cet article est là pour vous donner les détails des 40 postes que je vous présente dans la vidéo. C'est un complément d'informations qui je l'espère, vous aidera à choisir votre matériel radio.

Par où commencer ?

Comme je l'explique dans la vidéo, avant d'inverstir dans un matériel quelconque, il faudra d'abord que vous soyez capable de définir quel type de pratiquant vous désirez être.

Dans la pratique de la radio d'amateur, il y a 3 grandes familles :

- Les SWLs ou écouteurs
- Les amateurs radio - cibiste, DXeurs et PMRistes
- Les radioamateurs - ceux qui ont passé un examen et obtenu leur certificat d'opérateur radio.

C'est le système de classification que j'ai retenu pour ma présentation. Puisqu'il s'agit de vous conseiller dans le choix de votre matériel, j'ai délibérément fait l'impasse sur les matériels qui coûteront plus de 1000 euros. Même si il peut y avoir un investissement non négligeable pour vous lancer dans la pratique de la radio d'amateur, je propose ici des solutions oscilant entre 100 et 1000 euros en fonction de votre profil. Nous n'irons pas au-delà...

Si vous le désirez, vous pouvez visionner directement la vidéo qui se trouve après les fiches techniques ...


Si vous choisissez la pratique SWL

Il vous faudra investir dans du matériel de réception. L'investissement en matériel de réception ou dans un récepteur si vous préférez, a fortement baissé avec l'apparition d'une nouvelle technologie, celle de la "radio définie par logiciel" : SDR. Je ferai donc volontairement l'impasse sur le matériel de réception "autonome" relativement peu adapté à la bourse de quelqu'un qui voudrait simplement découvrir l'activité, pour vous parler des systèmes de récpetion via clé USB de type SDR. Attention, ce choix de matériel implique que vous possédiez un ordinateur à la maison ainsi que l'utilisation d'un logiciel adapté comme SDRuno, SDR Sharp, etc ... (ce sont des logiciels gratuits).
Plus d'informations sur cette technologie, sur cette page.



cle trl sdr et sdrplay

Les récepteurs SDR : Software Defined Radio



Clé USB RTL2832 avec tuner R860 (nouvelle version du R820T2)

Ce modèle de clé RTL-SDR est équipé du chipset Realtek RTL2832U et du nouveau tuner R860, strictement identique au tuner R820T2 et spécialement conçu pour le mode SDR. Le connecteur antenne sur la clé USB est MCX Femelle.

La nouvelle version du tuner R860/R820T2 offre une meilleure sensibilité (+2dB à +5dB selon les fréquences) et un bruit de fond réduit, comparé à l'ancienne version R820T.

Utilisé avec un logiciel SDR, cette clé TNT USB peut devenir un récepteur-scanner à large bande de 24 Mhz à 1766 MHz (sans trou) et tous modes (AM, FM, SSB, CW, DATA, ADSB et DMR).

17,91 € TTC (chez passion-radio.fr)

C'est le système de classification que j'ai retenu pour ma présentation. Puisqu'il s'agit de vous conseiller dans le choix de votre matériel, j'ai délibérément fait l'impasse sur les matériels qui coûteront plus de 1000 euros. Même si il peut y avoir un investissement non négligeable pour vous lancer dans la pratique de la radio d'amateur, je propose ici des solutions oscilant entre 100 et 1000 euros en fonction de votre profil. Nous n'irons pas au delà...

Réception de 1kHz à 2 GHz
Jusqu'à 10 Mhz de bande passante à l'écran
Échantillonnage en 14 bits
Gain LNA réglable
Filtres coupe-bande AM / FM / DAB
Blindage RF dans le boîtier en plastique
Connecteur d'antenne : SMA femelle
API ouverte permet aux développeurs de créer de nouvelles applications autour du recepteur.
Alimentation par câble USB 2.0 Male A - Male B (câble non inclu type câble pour imprimante)
Compatible avec les logiciels SDR sous Windows : SDR Uno (recommandé), HDSDR, SDR Console, CubicSDR (Mac/Linux)
Consommation : 120-175mA (sans BIAS-T activé)
Configuration PC Windows minimum recommandée : Intel Core i3, 4Go de mémoire
Poids : 110g
Dimension : 95x80x30mm
Garantie 2 ans
Normes CE

Equipé de 11 filtres de bandes :
Passe bas
Passe bande
2 – 12MHz
12 - 30 Mhz
30 – 60MHz
60 – 120MHz
120 – 250MHz
250 – 300MHz
300 - 380Mhz
380 - 420Mhz
420 – 1000MHz
Passe haut
3 filtres coupe-bande (Notch)
FM : 85 - 100Mhz (>50dB)
MW : 600 - 1550Mhz (>30dB)
DAB : 165 - 230 Mhz (>30dB)

Prix occasion : 80 euros et prix du neuf : 130euros




Si vous choisissez la pratique cibiste ou amateur radio

Il vous faudra investir dans du matériel d'émission-réception pour la bande du 11m, et donc trouver un émetteur-récepteur ou transceiver, pouvant trafiquer sur le 27MHz, bande du 11m. Je rappelle qu'officiellement la loi autorise l'émission sur les 40 canaux  de 26,965MHz (canal 1) à 27,405MHz (canal 40), avec une puissnace de 4 Watts quelque soit le mode utilisé (AM - FM - SSB). Les conseils que je donne son plutôt orientés vers ceux qui désirent pratiquer le DX en profitant d'une certaine tolérence de l'Etat sur les 40 canaux supérieurs. Donc attention, il ne s'agit pas d'un droit mais d'une simple tolérence de nos autorités...


grant 360fm

Les cibi avec 120 canaux les "inf" et les "sup"



President GRANT

Bouton Off / Volume

Bouton Squelch / PA (public Adress)
Bouton Micro gain - Rf gain
Bouton Fine / Coarse - Clarifier (selon version)
Bouton Sélecteur de mode (Am/Fm/Usb/Lsb)
Bouton Sélecteur de bande (Low/Mid/Hi) ou (A / B / C) (selon version)
Bouton Sélecteur de canaux par rotacteur
Commutateur Mod / S-Rf
Commutateur Filtre Nb/Anl - Off
Commutateur Brite / Dim (intensité d'éclairage)
Commutateur Roger Beep
Affichage TX / RX (LED)
Affichage digital du canal
Vu-mètre à aiguille
Prise micro latérale 4 ou 6 broches

Nombre de canaux : 40 cx (Version Export : 120 cx)
Puissance : 4 watts (10 watts AM/FM - 21 watts BLU)

Prise SO259 pour branchement de l'antenne
Prise jack pour branchement Haut Parleur extérieur
Prise jack pour branchement Public Adress extérieur
Prise jack pour branchement S-metre (sur les dernières versions)
Prise alimentation 3 broches
N° homologation : 83/128 CB - 84/001 CB - 94/0258 CBO
Référence platine : PC-999 AB / PC-999 AC

Prix occasion : 80 euros


Bouton Off - Volume / Squelch

Bouton Micro gain - Rf gain
Bouton SWR Call
Bouton Sélecteur de band Hi/Mid/Low (Hi=Supérieur / Mid=Normaux / Low=Inférieur)
Bouton Sélecteur de Mode CW/AM/FM/USB/LSB
Bouton Fine / Coarse (clarifier)
Bouton Sélecteur de canaux par rotacteur
Commutateur S/Rf - Swr - Cal (Tos-mètre incorporé)
Commutateur Filtre Nb/Anl - Off
Commutateur Tonalité (grave/aigue)
Commutateur Canal 9 automatique
Affichage TX / RX (LED)
Affichage digital du canal
Vu-mètre à aiguille
Prise micro latérale 4 broches

Nombre de canaux : 40 cx (Version Export : 120 cx)
Puissance : 4 watts (8 watts AM/FM - 15 watts BLU)

Prise SO259 pour branchement de l'antenne
Prise jack pour branchement Haut Parleur extérieur
Prise jack pour le branchement CW (morse)
Prise alimentation 3 broches
N° homologation : 84/015 CB
Référence platine : PB-010 AB

Prix occasion : 80 euros




jackson 3900

Les cibi avec 271 canaux les "inf-inf" et les "sup-sup" ...



President JACKSON

Bouton Off / Volume

Bouton Squelch / PA (selon version)
Bouton Micro gain - Rf gain
Bouton Fine / Coarse - Clarifier
Bouton Sélecteur de mode (Am/Fm/Usb/Lsb)
Bouton Sélecteur de bande (A / B / C / D / E) ou (A / B / C / D / E / F) (selon version)
Bouton Sélecteur de canaux par rotacteur
Commutateur Mod / S-Rf
Commutateur Filtre Nb/Anl - Off
Commutateur +10 Khz (Bis)
Commutateur Roger Beep
Affichage TX / RX (LED)
Affichage digital du canal
Vu-mètre à aiguille
Prise micro latérale 4 ou 6 broches

Nombre de canaux : 40 cx (Export : 226 cx ou 271 cx)(selon version)
Puissance : 4 watts (Export : 10 watts AM/FM - 21 watts BLU)

Prise SO259 pour branchement de l'antenne
Prise jack pour branchement Haut Parleur extérieur
Prise jack pour branchement Public Adress extérieur (selon version)
Prise jack pour branchement S-mètre extérieur (selon version)
Prise alimentation 3 broches
N° homologation : 84.014 CB et CE
Référence platine : PB-042 AE

Prix occasion : 120 euros


Bouton Off - Volume / Squelch

Bouton Micro gain / Rf gain
Bouton SWR Call
Bouton Sélecteur de band A/B/C/D/E/F (A=3fois-inférieur / B=sous-inférieur / C=inférieur / D=normaux / E=supérieur / F=sup-supérieur)
Bouton Sélecteur de Mode CW/AM/FM/USB/LSB
Bouton Fine / Coarse (clarifier)
Bouton Sélecteur de canaux
Commutateur S/Rf - Swr - Cal (Tos-mètre incorporé)
Commutateur Filtre Nb/Anl - Off
Commutateur Roger-Beep / Echo (Echo = en option)
Commutateur +10 Khz (Bis)
Affichage TX / RX (LED)
Affichage digital du canal
Vu-mètre à aiguille
Prise micro latérale 4 broches

Nombre de canaux : 40 cx (version export : 271 cx)
Puissance : 4 watts (Version Export : 8 Watts AM/FM/CW - 20 Watts BLU)

Prise SO259 pour branchement de l'antenne
Prise jack pour branchement haut parleur extérieur
Prise pour branchement fréquencemètre (Superstar KF IV)
Prise alimentation 3 broches
N° homologation : 91/006 CB
Référence platine : EPT360014B

Prix occasion : 110 euros




george 9900

Les cibi avec plus de 271 canaux le 12m + 11m + 10m



President GEORGE

Type: Citizen band / "Freeband" / Export transceiver
Frequency range: 26.965-27.405 MHz (Standard)
26.060-28.760 MHz (Export)
Channels / tuning steps: Standard: 40
Export: 271
Mode: AM / FM / SSB
Frequency control: PLL (PLL2002A)
Frequency stability: Max ? ppm
Clarifier or Delta tune: ±2 KHz
Power supply: 13.8 VDC
Current drain / power consumption: RX: 0.5-1.3 A
TX Standard: Max 1.5 A - TX Export: Max ? A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): 200*50*208 mm (7.87*1.97*8.19")
Weight: 1.8 Kg (3.97 lb)
Other features: 4 memories with scanning. ANL/NB. PA. Dimmer.
Exho chamber. Dual watch. SWR-meter.

Receiver system: Double conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: 10.695 MHz
2nd IF: 455 KHz
Sensitivity: AM/FM: 0.6 uV (20 dB SINAD)
SSB: 0.2 uV (10 dB S/N)
Image rejection: 70 dB
AF output power / speaker: 2 W at 10% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector:

RF output power: Standard
AM/FM: 1 W
SSB: 4 W (PEP)
AM/FM: 0.2-15 W
SSB: 0.2-21 W
Modulation system:
Max FM deviation (Factory set): ±1.7-2.1 KHz
Spurious emissions: Better than -? dB
Microphone impedance / connector: ? ohm / 6-pin (Metal locking ring connector)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: 1993-200x (Discontinued)
Main PCB: v1: PB-229 by Uniden
v2: PB-334 by Uniden
Sub PCBs: v1:
PB-230AA - Front panel/CPU board
PB-231AB - Echo mic board
PB-232AA - SWR board
Currently unknown

Prix occasion : 150 euros


Type: Citizen band / "Freeband" / Export transceiver
Frequency range: 25.615-30.105 MHz
Channels / tuning steps: 400
Mode: AM / FM / SSB
Frequency control: PLL
Frequency stability: ±?%
Clarifier or Delta tune: ±? Hz
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±10%
Current drain / power consumption: RX: ? mA
TX: Max 12 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): 157*48*246 mm (6.2*1.9*9.7") including protruding parts
Weight: 2.1 Kg (4.63 lb)
Other features: 6 memories. Dual watch. Roger beep. Echo chamber. NB.
Multi-color backlite. +10 KHz switch. PC-programmable (Mini USB).
CTCSS/PL and DCS encoder/decoder.

Receiver system: ? conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: ? MHz
2nd IF: ? KHz
Image rejection:
AF output power / speaker: ? W at ?% distortion / ? ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm

RF output power: AM: 30 W
FM: 50 W
SSB: 60 W (PEP)
Modulation system:
Max FM deviation (Factory set): ±? KHz
Spurious emissions: Better than -? dB
Microphone impedance / connector: ? ohm / 6-pin (Metal locking ring connector)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: China, 2014-201x

Prix occasion : 140 euros et Prix neuf :235 euros





lincoln rci2950

Les entre-deux officiellement pour les radioamateurs



President LINCOLN

Type: Citizen band / "Freeband" / Export transceiver
Frequency range: 26-30 MHz
Originally marketed as a 10 m ham transceiver, but expanding
the frequency range is a simple task, and the standard 40 channel
CB bandplan is already encoded in the CPU from factory.
Channels / tuning steps: 100 Hz, 1 / 10 KHz
Mode: AM / FM / SSB / CW
Frequency control: PLL
Frequency stability: Max ? ppm
Clarifier or Delta tune: ±1 KHz "RIT"
Power supply: 13.2 VDC (2-pin connector)
Current drain / power consumption: RX: Max 1 A
TX: Max 4.5 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): 185*60*250 mm (7.28*2.36*9.84")
Weight: 2 Kg (4.41 lb)
Other features: PA. SWR-meter. NB. RIT. Dimmer. Local/DX button. Scanning.

Receiver system: Single conversion superheterodyne (AM/SSB/CW)
IF: 10.695 MHz
Double conversion superheterodyne (FM)
1st IF: 10.695 MHz
2nd IF: 455 KHz
Sensitivity: AM: 0.5 uV (10 dB S/N)
FM: 0.5 uV (20 dB S/N)
SSB/CW: 0.25 uV (10 dB S/N)
Selectivity: 70 dB (Adjacent channel)
Image rejection: 65 dB
AF output power / speaker: 2.5 W at 10% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector: 9-pin Molex accessory jack, 8 ohm

RF output power: AM/FM/CW: 10 W
SSB: 21 W (PEP)
Modulation system:
FM deviation (Factory set): ±3 KHz (1 KHz @ 30 mV input)
Spurious emissions: Better than -? dB
Microphone impedance / connector: ? ohm / 5-pin (Metal locking ring connector)
Microphone input level: 1 mV (No reference)

Manufactured: Philippines (Early), 198x-199x (Discontinued)
China (Later), 199x-2004 (Discontinued)
Main PCB: Early: PB-111AA, AB, AC, AD and AE by Uniden
Later: PB-333AA by Uniden
Sub PCBs: Early:
Presently unknown to me
PB-112AE - LCD display and driver board
PB-117AD - NB board
PB-121AD - PLL and CPU board
PB-293AA - RF final board
PB-298AA - Shorting bar board
PB-299AA - SWR board
PB-303AA - FM demodulator board
PB-312AA - Volume and squelch pots board
? - Mode selector board
? - RIT & RF power pots board
? - Channel selector board
? - Pushbutton board
? - Mic jack board
Additional info: The Lincoln was intended for the european market and is similar to the Uniden
branded HR-2830 for the US market.

Prix occasion : 160 euros

Ranger RCI 2950

Type: Citizen band / "Freeband" / Export transceiver
Frequency range: 26-32 MHz
Channels / tuning steps: 100 Hz, 1 / 10 / 100 KHz, 1 MHz
Mode: AM / FM / SSB / CW
Frequency control: PLL/CPU
Frequency stability: ?%
Clarifier or Delta tune: ±? KHz
Power supply: 13.8 VDC
Current drain / power consumption: RX: ? mA
TX: Max 4.8 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): 200*60*240 mm (7.9*2.4*9.5")
Weight: 1.9 Kg (4.2 lb)
Other features: 10 memories. NB/ANL. Repeater offset. Dimmer. Scanning.

Receiver system: ? conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: ? MHz
2nd IF: ? KHz
Sensitivity: AM: 0.5 uV (10 dB S/N)
FM: 0.25 uV (12 dB SINAD)
SSB/CW: 0.15 uV (10 dB S/N)
Image rejection: >65 dB
AF output power / speaker: 2.5 W at ?% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm

RF output power: AM/FM: 2-8 W (RMS)
SSB: 25 W (PEP)
CW: 25 W
Modulation system:
Max FM deviation (Factory set): ±? KHz
Spurious emissions: Better than -50 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 400 ohm / 6-pin, dynamic (Metal locking ring connector)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Taiwan, 199x-200x (Discontinued)
Main PCB: EPT295010Z or EPT295013Z by Ranger
Sub PCBs:
Additional info: New price 1995 in the US: $239.95

Prix occasion : 170 euros





Si vous choisissez la pratique radioamateur

Il vous faudra investir dans du matériel d'émission-réception un peu plus coûteux car souvent mieux conçu et devant entre autre, couvrir plus de bandes. Les radioamateurs ont accès à un nombres de bandes de fréquences très important. Dans le commerce, vous trouverez généralement du matériel couvrant les bandes les plus utilisées. Et oui, il faut bien qu'il y ai un minimum de demande pour que les entreprises qui fabriquent notre matériel décident de le fabriquer. C'est toujours pareil, le nerf de la guerre, c'est l'argent donc si cela ne rapporte pas, elles ne fabriquent pas. On trouvera donc du matériel couvrant les bande HF, puis VHF et UHF ou si vous préférez, les bandes décamétriques (exception faite du 160m qui n'est pas une bande décamétrique), les bandes métriques et les bandes décimétriques. Au delà et en deça, ce sont les radioamateurs eux-mêmes qui fabriqueront leur matériel, ces bandes ne générant pas assez de trafic pour intéresser les manufacturiers. Il existe également des kits pour monter vous même vos transceivers, les radioamateurs étant les seuls à avoir le droit de fabriquer leur matériel en toute légalité. C'est un sujet que je n'aborderai pas ici.


Les transceivers mobiles bibande (VHF-UHF) FM

On commence tout de suite avec des appareils que l'on retrouve dans les stations radioamateurs certes, mais surtout dans leurs véhicules mobiles. Ils sont utilisés le plus souvent pour communiquer via des relais analogiques FM qui permettent d'augmenter la portée des contacts radio. Les PMRistes utilisent également ce genre de matériel pour trafiquer sur les fréquences PMR sur 446MHz, même si ce n'est pas réellement autorisé avec un matériel non spécifique. Les règles de bases pour le PMR 446 sont, d'utiliser du matériel avec alimentation autonome (une batterie) et une antenne non interchangeables (donc un pocket - sorte de petit talkie-walkie), avec un puissance max de 500mW sur 8 canaux répartis de 446.00625MHz à 446.09375MHz.


2730e ft8800

2 bibandes analogiques solides et réputés





Type: Amateur VHF/UHF transceiver

Frequency range: TX: 144-146 / 430-440 MHz (Europe)
RX: 118-174 / 375-550 MHz
Tuning steps: 5 / 6.25 / 8.33 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 50 KHz
Frequency stability: ±? ppm
Mode: TX: FM / NFM
Channels/memory management: 1000 regular with alpha tags
2 call
50 scan edge
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift/offset: Programmable
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±15%
Current drain/power consumption: RX: 1.2 to 1.8A
TX: Max 13 A
Antenna impedance/connector: 50 ohm / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): Body: 150*40*151 mm (5.91*1.57*5.94")
Controller: 150*50*27 mm (5.91*1.97*1.07")
Weight: Body: 1.2 Kg (2.65 lb)
Controller: 140 g (4.94 oz)
Other features: CTCSS/PL and DTCS. Tone scan. Twin RX (V+V, V+U, U+U)

Receiver system: Double conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: 38.85 MHz (A band), 46.35 MHz (B band)
2nd IF: 450 KHz
Sensitivity: 2 m/70 cm: 0.18 uV (12 dB SINAD)
118-137 MHZ: 1 uV (10 dB S/N)
Selectivity: FM: 60 dB
NFM: 55 dB
Image rejection: A band: 60 dB (VHF), 55 dB (UHF)
B band: 60 dB (VHF), 60 dB (UHF)
AF output power/speaker: 2 W at 10% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 8 ohm

RF output power:

High Mid Low
2 m: 50 W 15 W 5 W
70 cm: 50 W 15 W 5 W
Modulation system:
FM deviation: FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Less than -60 dBc
Microphone impedance/connector: 600 ohm / 8-pin (Modular)
Microphone input sensitivity: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 2014-20xx

Prix occasion : 220 euros Prix neuf : 340 euros


Type: Amateur VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range: Europe
TX: 144-146 / 430-440 MHz
RX: 108-520 / 700-1000 MHz
TX: 144-148 / 430-450 MHz
RX: 108-520 / 700-1000 MHz (Cellular blocked)
Tuning steps: 5 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 50 KHz
Frequency stability: ±5 ppm @ 010 to +60°C (14 to 140°F)
Mode: TX: FM / NFM
Channels / memory management: 512 regular with alpha tags in 10 banks
5 home
10 scan edge pairs (PMS)
Priority function
6 hyper
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift / offset: ±0-99.95 MHz in 50 KHz steps
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±15% ("T" connector on pigtail)
Current drain / power consumption: RX: 500 mA (Squelched)
TX: Max 8.5 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): 140*42*168 mm (5.51*1.65*6.61")
Weight: 1 Kg (2.2 lb)
Other features: CTCSS/PL and DCS with tone search. DTMF. 1K2/9K6 packet jack.
ARTS. WIRES internet. Cross-band repeater. Data cloning. Twin RX.

Receiver system: Double conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: 45.05 MHz (Main RX) - 47.25 MHz (Sub RX)
2nd IF: 450 KHz
Sensitivity: Better than 0.2 uV (12 dB SINAD), ham bands only
Selectivity: NFM: 8 KHz (-6 dB), 30 KHz (-60 dB)
Image rejection:
AF output power / speaker: 2 W at 5% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 4-16 ohm

RF output power:

High Low 3 Low 2 Low 1
2 m: 50 W 20 W 10 W 5 W
70 cm: 35 W 20 W 10 W 5 W
Modulation system: Variable reactance
Max FM deviation (Factory set): FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Better than -60 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 2 kohm / 6-pin (Modular)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 2003-2016 (Discontinued)

Prix occasion : 220 euros Prix neuf : 430 euros





id 4100 ftm 100de

2 Bibandes analogique-numériques début de gamme




Type: Amateur VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: 144-146 / 430-440 MHz (Europe)
RX: 118-174 / 230-550 MHz
Tuning steps: 5 / 6.25 / 8.33 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 50 KHz
Frequency stability: ±2.5 ppm @ -10 to +60°C (14 to 140°F)
Mode: TX: FM / NFM / DV (D-Star)
RX: AM / FM / NFM / DV (D-Star)
Channels/memory management: 1000 regular
2*25 program scan edge pairs
2*2 call
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift/offset: ±0-59.995 MHz
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±15%
Current drain/power consumption: RX: 0.9 to 1.2 A
TX: 5 to 13 A
Antenna impedance/connector: 50 ohm / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): 150*40*172 mm (5.91*1.57*6.77")
Weight: 1.2 Kg (2.6 lb)
Other features: DR (D-Star) repeater function. CTCSS/PL and DTCS. Built-in GPS with logging.
Micro SD card slot. Bluetooth option for enhanced remote functionality. Speech

This radio has the new "Terminal" and "Access point" modes, which enables
connection to the D-Star network through the internet from areas without
D-Star repeaters.

Receiver system: Double conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: 46.35 MHz
2nd IF: 450 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N)
118-136 MHz: 1 uV
230-260 MHz: 5.6 uV
260-375 MHz: 1.8 uV
137-144 MHz: 0.32 uV
144-148 MHz: 0.18 uV
148-174 MHz: 0.32 uV
230-260 MHz: 1.8 uV
260-400 MHz: 0.56 uV
400-430 MHz: 0.32 uV
430-450 MHz: 0.18 uV
450-500 MHz: 0.32 uV
500-550 MHz: 0.56 uV
DV (BER 1%)
144-148 MHz: 0.22 uV
430-450 MHz: 0.22 uV
Image rejection: 60 dB
AF output power/speaker: 2 W at 10% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 8 ohm

RF output power:

High Mid Low
2 m: 50 W 15 W 5 W
70 cm: 50 W 15 W 5 W
Modulation system: FM: Variable reactance frequency modulation
DV: GMSK reactance frequency modulation
FM deviation: FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Less than -60 dBc
Microphone impedance/connector: 600 ohm / 8-pin (modular)
Microphone input sensitivity: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 2017-20xx

Prix occasion : 280 euros Prix neuf : 500 euros


Type: Amateur VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range: Europe
TX: 144-146 / 430-440 MHz
RX: 108-999.99 MHz
Tuning steps: 5 / 6.25 / 8.33 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 50 / 100 KHz
Frequency stability: ±2.5 ppm (-20° to +60°C / -4° to +140°F)
Mode: TX: FM / NFM / DV (C4FM)
RX: AM / FM / NFM / DV (C4FM)
Channels / memory management: 500 regular (A-band) + 500 regular (B-band), with alpha tags
2 home
9 scan edge pairs (PMS)
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift / offset: ±0-99.95 MHz in 50 KHz steps
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±15%
Current drain / power consumption: RX: 500 mA
TX: Max 12 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): Panel: 140*45*29 mm (5.5*1.77*1.14")
Main unit: 140*45*164 mm (5.5*1.77*6.46")
Weight: Total: 1.1 Kg (2.42 lb)
Other features: CTCSS/PL and DCS. AMS. ARS. 1750 Hz tonec all. Clock.
APRS functions (1200/9600 bd) and built-in GPS receiver.
WIRES-X compatible. 160*40 dot matrix display. Micro-SD card.

Receiver system: Double conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: 47.25 MHz
2nd IF: 450 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N)
108-137 MHz: 0.8 uV
300-336 MHz: 0.8 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD)
137-150 MHz: 0.2 uV
150-174 MHz: 0.25 uV
174-222 MHz: 0.3 uV
222-300 MHz: 0.25 uV
336-420 MHz: 0.25 uV
420-520 MHz: 0.2 uV
800-900 MHz: 0.4 uV
900-999.99 MHz: 0.8 uV
Digital/C4FM (BER 1%)
140-150 MHz: 0.19 uV
420-470 MHz: 0.19 uV
Selectivity: AM/FM: 12 KHz (-6 dB)
30 KHz (-60 dB)
Image rejection:
AF output power / speaker: 3 W at 10% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 4-16 ohm

RF output power:

High Mid Low
2 m: 50 W 20 W 5 W
70 cm: 50 W 20 W 5 W
Modulation system: FM: Variable reactance
Max FM deviation (Factory set): FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Better than -60 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 2 Kohm / 6-pin (Modular)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: 2015-20xx (Discontinued)

Prix occasion : 250 euros Prix neuf : 360 euros



id 5100 ftm 300de

2 Bibandes analogique-numériques milieu de gamme



ICOM ID-5100


Type: Amateur VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: 2 m / 70 cm
RX: 118-174 / 375-550 MHz
Tuning steps: ? KHz
Mode: TX: FM/NFM/DV (D-Star)
Channels/memory management: 1000 regular
Repeater shift/offset: ą0-? MHz
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ą15%
Current drain/power consumption: RX: ? mA
TX: ? A
Antenna impedance/connector: 50 ohms / ?
Dimensions (W*H*D): Main unit: ? mm (?")
Controller: ? mm (?")
Weight: Main unit: ? Kg (? lbs)
Controller: ? Kg (? lbs)
Other features: Touch screen LCD. Bluetooth and remote control from Android device
Built-in GPS (inside controller), DV dual watch, Antenna RX diversity
SD card slot, DTMF decoder, Twin RX (V+V, V+U, U+U)

Receiver system: ? conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: ? MHz
2nd IF: ? KHz
Image rejection:
AF output power/speaker: ? W at ?% distortion / ? ohms
External speaker connector:

RF output power: Hi: 50/50 W
Mid: ?/? W
Lo: ?/? W
Modulation system:
Max FM deviation: FM: ą5 KHz
NFM: ą2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Less than -? dB
Microphone connector/impedance: 8-pin modular / ? ohms

Manufactured: 2014-201x

Prix occasion : 400 euros Prix neuf : 610 euros


Type: Amateur VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range: Europe
TX: 144-146 / 430-440 MHz
RX: 108-1000 MHz
Tuning steps: 5 / 6.25 / 8.33 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 50 / 100 KHz
Frequency stability: ±2.5 ppm @ -20 to +60°C (-4 to +140°F)
Mode: TX: FM / NFM / DV (System Fusion)
RX: AM / FM / NFM / DV (System Fusion)
Channels / memory management: 999 regular with alpha tags (16 characters)
5 home
50 scan edge pairs (PMS)
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift/offset: ±0 to 99.95 MHz in 50 KHz steps
Power supply: 13.8 VDC
Current drain / power consumption: RX: 500 mA
TX: Max 11 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): Transceiver: 139*42*132 mm (5.47*1.66*5.2")
Control head: 139*53*18 mm (5.47*2.09*0.7")
Weight: Total: 1.1 Kg (2.43 lb)
Other features: CTCSS/PL. 2" QVGA color TFT. Built-in Bluetooth and GPS. Wires-X.
Twin RX (V+V, U+U, V+U, U+V) with simultaneous DV RX on both receivers.
1200/9600bd APRS modem. Voice recording. Band scope. AMS. Micro-SD slot.
1750 Hz repeater tone. VOX. Clock/timer. Detachable control head.

Receiver system: Double conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: 58.05 MHz (A band) - 57.15 MHz (B band)
2nd IF: 450 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N)
108-137 MHz: 0.8 uV
300-336 MHz: 0.8 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD)
137-150 MHz: 0.2 uV
150-174 MHz: 0.25 uV
174-222 MHz: 0.3 uV
222-300 MHz: 0.25 uV
336-420 MHz: 0.25 uV
420-520 MHz: 0.2 uV
800-900 MHz: 0.4 uV
900-1000 MHz: 0.8 uV
DV/C4FM (BER 1%)
2 m/70 cm: 0.19 uV
Selectivity: AM/FM: 12 KHz (-6 dB), 30 KHz (-60 dB)
Image rejection:
AF output power / speaker: 3 W at 10% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm

RF output power:

High Mid Low
2 m: 50 W 25 W 5 W
70 cm: 50 W 25 W 5 W
Modulation system: FM: Variable reactance
Max FM deviation (Factory set): FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Better than -60 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 2 Kohm / 6-pin modular
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Korea, 2020-202x

Prix occasion : 280 euros Prix neuf : 449 euros






Les pockets bibandes (VHF-UHF) FM

Ils permettent le mêmes types de liaisons que les mobiles bibandes FM mais sont complètement autonomes avec une batterie. Ils ont la forme de petits talkie-walkie, avec une puissance de 5W en règle générale. Attention, pour le PMRistes, les modèles proposés ne respectent pas la legislation PMR446 puisqu'il s'agit de matériel radioamateur. A vous donc de prendre vos responsabilités (plus de 500mW, les antennes sont démontables pour ne parler que de cela ...).

tyt anytone

2 pockets analogiques-numériques début de gamme



TYT MD-380 bibande

Portable DMR idéal pour commencer en mode numérique. Le TYT MD-380 est
un talkie-walkie analogique et numérique, disponible en version mono-bande
UHF 400-480MHz avec 4 watts réel, mono-bande VHF de 136-174Mhz avec 5 watts
ou maintenant en version bi-bande VHF et UHF MD-380UV et avec GPS en option.

Compatible Mototrbo, Tier I et Tier II, avec relais et appareils DMR
Motorola et Hytera et réseau DMR Brandmeister. Affichage LCD couleur
et clavier numérique.

Livré complet avec : 1 TYT MD-380 (version à choisir ci-dessous),
1 chargeur de bureau 110V-220V (prise EU), 1 batterie (Li-ion 7.2V 2000mAh),
1 antenne selon la bande, 1 clip de fixation ceinture, manuel en anglais
(en français à télécharger ci-dessous) + câble USB de programmation TYT inclu.
Garantie 2 ans.

Le TYT MD-380 utilise un connecteur standard Kenwood 2 broches (K) pour micro-casque (en option).

Prix neuf : 125 euros

AnyTone AT-D878UVII+

Type: Amateur VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range: 136-174 / 400-480 MHz
Tuning steps: 5 / 6.25 KHz
Frequency stability: ? ppm
Mode: FM / NFM / DMR (Tier I & II)
Channels/memory management: 4000 regular
Repeater shift/offset: ±
Power supply: 7.4 VDC (Li-Ion battery pack)
Current drain / power consumption: RX: ? mA
TX: ? A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohms / SMA
Dimensions (W*H*D): 61*129*39 mm (2.4*5.08*1.54")
Weight: 282 g (9.95 oz), with 2100 mAh battery pack and antenna
Other features: Analog APRS (TX only) and DMR APRS (TX/RX). GPS.
1.7" TFT display. 10000 talk groups and 200000 contacts.
Auto-sense DMR or FM reception. Bluetooth option.

Receiver system: ?
Sensitivity: FM: 0.25 uV (12 dB SINAD)
NFM: 0.35 uV (12 dB SINAD)
DMR: 0.3 uV (BER 5%)
Selectivity: FM: 70 dB (adjacent channel)
NFM: 60 dB (adjacent channel)
Image rejection:
AF output power / speaker: 1 W at 5% distortion / 16 ohm
External speaker connector:

RF output power:

High Mid Low 1 Low 2
2 m: 7 W 5 W 2.5 W 1 W
70 cm: 6 W 5 W 2.5 W 1 W
Modulation system: DMR: 4FSK
FM deviation: FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Less than -36 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: ? ohms / ?-pin
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: China, 2018-20xx (Discontinued)

Prix neuf : 219 euros




ft4x ft70de

2 pockets de chez YAESU





Type: Amateur VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range: Europe
TX: 144-146 / 430-440 MHz
RX: 65-108 / 136-174 / 400-480 MHz
Tuning steps: 5 / 6.25 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 50 / 100 KHz
Frequency stability: ±2.5 ppm @ -20 to +60°C (-4 to +140°F)
Mode: TX: FM / NFM
Channels / memory management: 200 regular with alpha tags
3 home
10 PMS pairs
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift / offset: ±0.025-99.975 MHz
Power supply: 7.4 VDC nominal (SBR-28LI battery pack)
Current drain / power consumption: RX: 5-190 mA
TX: Max 1.7 A
Antenna impedance/connector: 50 ohm / SMA
Dimensions (W*H*D): 52*90*30 mm (2.05*3.54*1.18")
Weight: 250 g (8.82 oz), with SBR-28LI and antenna
Other features: CTCSS/PL and DCS. ARTS. DTMF. VOX.
EPCS pager feature. PC-programmable.

Receiver system: Direct conversion
Sensitivity: 0.2 uV (12 dB SINAD)
Image rejection:
AF output power / speaker: 800 mW at 10% distortion / 16 ohm
External speaker connector:

RF output power:

High Mid Low
2 m: 5 W 2.5 W 500 mW
70 cm: 5 W 2.5 W 500 mW
Modulation system: Variable reactance
Max FM deviation (Factory set): FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Better than -50 to -60 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 2 Kohm / ?-pin
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: China, 2018-20xx

Prix neuf : 79 euros


Type: Amateur VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range: Europe
TX: 144-146 / 430-440 MHz
RX: 108-580 MHz
Tuning steps: 5 / 6.25 / 8.33 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 50 / 100 KHz
Frequency stability: ±2.5 ppm @ -20 to +60°C (-4 to +140°F)
Mode: TX: FM / NFM / DV (C4FM "System Fusion")
RX: AM / FM / NFM / DV (C4FM "System Fusion")
Channels / memory management: 900 regular
90 skip
6 home
50 PMS pairs
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift / offset: ± 0 to 150 MHz in selected step size
Power supply: 7.4 VDC (1800 mAh Li-Ion battery)
or 11-16 VDC external
Current drain / power consumption: RX: 70-180 mA
TX: Max 1.9 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / SMA
Dimensions (W*H*D): 60*98*33 mm (2.36*3.86*1.3")
Weight: 255 g (8.99 oz), with SBR-24LI battery and antenna
Other features: CTCSS/PL. Mini USB port. IP54 dust/water protected.
1750 Hz repeater tone (Europe)

Receiver system: Double conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: 47.25 MHz
2nd IF: 450 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N)
108-137 MHz: 1.5 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD)
137-174 MHz: 0.16 uV
174-222 MHz: 1 uV
300-350 MHz: 0.5 uV
350-400 MHz: 0.2 uV
400-470 MHz: 0.18 uV
470-580 MHz: 0.35 uV
DV/C4FM (BER 1%)
144-148 MHz: 0.19 uV
430-450 MHz: 0.19 uV
Image rejection:
AF output power / speaker: 700 mW at 10% distortion / 16 ohm
External speaker connector:

RF output power:

High Mid Low
2 m: 5 W 2 W 500 mW
70 cm: 5 W 2 W 500 mW
Modulation system: FM: Variable reactance
Fusion: 4FSK/C4FM
Max FM deviation (Factory set): FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Better than -60 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 2 Kohm / ?-pin
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 2017-202x

Prix neuf : 190 euros




Les décamétriques  (HF + 50MHz ou 70 MHz en fonction de votre Région) tous modes

Il s'agit là certainement, des matériels les plus adaptés pour faire des liaisons longues distances en direct (sans passer par un relais). D'abord conçus pour le chack radio, on trouve certains de ces postes en version mobile également. Le transceiver décamétrique est un peu le "roi" dans nos stations radio car il met à notre disposition l'intégralité des bandes HF, qui sont certainement les plus courues des bandes radioamateurs.



ic725 ic751

2 classics de chez icom dont l'IC-751, une référence ...





Type: Amateur HF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC
RX: 0.5-30 MHz
Tuning steps: 10 / 20 / 50 Hz, 1 KHz, 1 MHz
Frequency stability: Less than ±350 Hz @ 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)
Mode: TX: SSB / CW (AM/FM with UI-7 option)
RX: AM / SSB / CW (FM with UI-7 option)
Channels / memory management: 22 regular
2 split
2 scan edge
RAM storage with lithium backup battery
Repeater shift / offset: No dedicated, use VFO A/B split instead
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±15%
Current drain / power consumption: RX: 1.2 to 1.5 A
TX: Max 20 A
Antenna impedance/connector: 50 ohm / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): 241*94*239 mm (9.5*3.7*9.4")
Weight: 4.6 Kg (10.1 lb)
Other features: NB. Attenuator. CI-V computer control.

Receiver system: Double conversion superheterodyne (AM/SSB/CW)
1st IF: 70.45 MHz
2nd IF: 9.01 MHz
Triple conversion superheterodyne (FM with UI-7 option)
1st IF: 70.45 MHz
2nd IF: 9.01 MHz
3rd IF: 455 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N)
0.5-1.8 MHz: 13 uV
1.8-30 MHz: 2 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD), with UI-7 option
28-29.7 MHz: 0.5 uV
SSB/CW (10 dB S/N)
1.8-30 MHz: 0.15 uV
Selectivity: AM: 6 KHz (-6 dB), 20 KHz (-60 dB)
FM: 15 KHz (-6 dB), 30 KHz (-50 dB)
SSB: 2.3 KHz (-6 dB), 4 KHz (-60 dB)
Image rejection:
AF output power / speaker: 2.6 W at 10% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 8 ohm

RF output power: AM: 10-40 W (With UI-7 option)
FM: 10-100 W (With UI-7 option)
SSB/CW: 10-100 W
Modulation system:
FM deviation (Factory set): ±5 KHz (With UI-7 option)
Spurious emissions: Less than -50 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 600 ohm / 8-pin (Metal locking ring connector)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 1988-199x (Discontinued)
Additional info: New price 1988 in Sweden: SEK 7990:-
New price 1989 in the US: $849.95

Prix occasion : 300 euros


Type: Amateur HF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC
RX: 0.1-30 MHz
Tuning steps: 10 Hz, 1 KHz
Frequency stability: Less than ±500 Hz @ 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)
Mode: AM / FM / SSB / CW / RTTY
Channels/memory management: 32 regular
2 scan edge
RAM board with lithium backup battery
Repeater shift/offset: No dedicated, use VFO A/B split ("Duplex")
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±15% (Mains option)
Current drain/power consumption: RX: 1.5 A (Squelched)
TX: Max 20 A
Antenna impedance/connector: 50 ohm / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): 306*115*355 mm (12.05*4.53*13.98")
Weight: 8.5 Kg (18.74 lb)
Other features: PBT. NB. VOX. SWR-meter. CI-IV computer control.

Receiver system: Triple conversion superheterodyne (FM)
1st IF: 70.45 MHz
2nd IF: 9.01 MHz
3rd IF: 455 KHz
Quadruple conversion superheterodyne (SSB/CW/RTTY)
1st IF: 70.45 MHz
2nd IF: 9.01 MHz
3rd IF: 455 KHz
4th IF: 350 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N)
0.1-0.5 MHz: 3 uv
0.5-1.6 MHz: 6 uV
1.6-30 MHz: 1 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD)
1.6-30 MHz: 3 uV
0.1-0.5 MHz: 0.5 uV
0.5-1.6 MHz: 1 uV
1.6-30 MHz: 0.15 uV
Selectivity: AM
2.4 KHz (-6 dB), 4.2 KHz (-60 dB)
15 KHz (-6 dB), 30 KHz (-60 dB)
2.3 KHz (-6 dB), 4 KHz (-60 dB)
Image rejection:
AF output power/speaker: 3 W at 10% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm

RF output power: AM: 10-40 W
FM: 10-100 W
SSB: 10-100 W
CW: 10-100 W
RTTY: 10-100 W
Modulation system:
FM deviation: ±5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Less than -60 dB
Microphone impedance/connector: 600 ohm / 8-pin (Metal locking ring connector)
Microphone input level: ~12 mV (Typical)

Manufactured: Japan, 1983-1984 (Discontinued)
Additional info: Battery-backed BIOS-RAM. Special procedure to replace the
battery, or the radio will die!
New price 1984 in Sweden: SEK 16488

Prix occasion : 400 euros




ft990 ts850sat

1 référence chez Yaesu 1 référence chez Kenwood




Type: Amateur HF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC
RX: 0.1 - 30 MHz
Tuning steps: 10 / 100 Hz, 1 / 10 / 100 KHz
Frequency stability: ±10 ppm @ -10 to +50°C (14 to 122°F)
0.5 ppm option with TCXO-2
Mode: AM / FM / SSB / CW / RTTY / Packet
Channels / memory management: 90 regular
RAM storage with lithium battery backup
Repeater shift / offset: ±100 KHz
Power supply: Mains: 100-117 / 200-234 VAC (3-pin IEC C14 connector)
or 13.8 VDC (6-pin Molex connector)
Current drain / power consumption: RX: 60 VA (Mains) or 1.6 A @ 13.8 VDC
TX: Max 470 VA (Mains) or max 20 A @ 13.8 VDC
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm (16.5-150 ohm with ATU) / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): 368*129*335 mm (14.49*5.08*13.19")
Weight: 13 Kg (28.66 lb)
Other features: NB. VOX. Attenuator. Iambic keyer. Automatic antenna tuner.
CTCSS/PL 88.5 Hz TX for repeater access.

Receiver system: Triple conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: 47.21 MHz
2nd IF: 10.94 MHz
3rd IF: 455 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (6 KHz BW, 10 dB S/N)
0.1-0.25 MHz: 10 uV
0.25-0.5 MHz: 2 uV
0.5-1.8 MHz: 4 uV
1.8-30 MHz: 1 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD)
28-30 MHz: 0.5 uV
SSB/CW (2.4 KHz BW, 10 dB S/N)
0.1-0.25 MHz: 4 uV
0.25-0.5 MHz: 1 uV
0.5-1.8 MHz: 2 uV
1.8-30 MHz: 0.25 uV
Selectivity: Available bandwidths

Button Modes -6 dB -60 dB
2.4 KHz All except FM 2.2 KHz 4.0 KHz
2.0 KHz All except AM/FM 1.8 KHz 3.6 KHz
500 Hz CW/RTTY/Packet 500 Hz 1.8 KHz
250 Hz CW/RTTY 240 Hz 700 Hz
-- AM Wide 6 KHz 15 KHz
Image rejection: 80 dB
AF output power / speaker: 2 W at 10% distortion / 4 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 4-8 ohm

RF output power:

Max pwr
AM: 25 W
FM: 100 W
SSB (PEP): 100 W
CW: 100 W
RTTY/Packet: 100 W
Modulation system: AM: Low-level (Early stage)
FM: Variable reactance
SSB: Balanced, filtered carrier
Max FM deviation (Factory set): ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Better than -50 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 500-600 ohm / 8-pin (Metal locking ring connector)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 1991-1999 (Discontinued)
Additional info: New price, october 1991 in Sweden: SEK 21815

Prix occasion : 600 euros


Type: Amateur HF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC
RX: 0.1-30 MHz
Tuning steps: 1 / 10 / 100 Hz
1 / 9 / 10 / 500 KHz
1 MHz
Frequency stability: Max ±10 ppm @ -10 to +50°C (14 to 122°F)
±0.5 ppm with optional SO-2
Mode: AM / FM / SSB / CW / FSK
Channels / memory management: 90 regular and split
10 programmed scan
5 quick memories
RAM storage with lithium backup battery
Repeater shift / offset: No dedicated. Use VFO A/B split instead
Power supply: 12-16 VDC
Current drain / power consumption: RX: Max 2 A
TX: Max 20.5 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / SO-239
(20-150 ohm with optional AT-850)
Dimensions (W*H*D): 339*135*375 mm (13.35*5.32*14.76")
Weight: 9.4 Kg (20.7 lb), without AT-850 option
Other features: CTCSS/PL. Built-in keyer. AIP. VOX. Dimmer.

Receiver system: Triple conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: 73.05 MHz
2nd IF: 8.83 MHz
3rd IF: 455 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S+N/N)
0.1-0.5 MHz: 2 uV
0.5-1.62 MHz: 32 uV
1.62-24.5 MHz: 0.2 uV
24.5-30 MHz: 1.3 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD)
28-30 MHz: 0.25 uV
SSB/CW/FSK (10 dB S+N/N, without optional filters)
0.1-0.5 MHz: 0.2 uV
0.5-1.62 MHz: 4 uV
1.62-24.5 MHz: 0.2 uV
24.5-30 MHz: 0.13 uV
Selectivity: AM
6 KHz (-6 dB), 15 KHz (-60 dB)
12 KHz (-6 dB), 24 KHz (-60 dB)
2.4 KHz (-6 dB), 3.8 KHz (-60 dB)
Image rejection: 80 dB
AF output power / speaker: 1.5 W at 10% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 8 ohm

RF output power:
AM: 10-40 W
FM: 20-100 W
SSB: 20-100 W
CW: 20-100 W
FSK: 20-100 W
Modulation system: AM: Low level modulation
FM: Reactance modulation
SSB: Balanced modulation
FM deviation (Factory set): ±5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Better than -60 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 600 ohm / 8-pin (Metal locking ring connector)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: 199x-199x (Discontinued)
Additional info: New price 1992 in Sweden: SEK 18894

Prix occasion : 550 euros



ic756pro2 ft1000mp

Les "grosses Berta" abordables d'occasion




Type: Amateur HF/VHF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC/50-54 MHz
RX: 0.03-60 MHz
Tuning steps: 1 Hz, 0.1 / 1 / 5 / 9 / 10 / 12.5 / 20 / 25 KHz
Frequency stability: Better than ±0.5 ppm (-10 to +50°C / +14 to +122°F)
Mode: AM / FM / SSB / CW / RTTY
Channels/memory management: 99 regular
2 scan edge
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift/offset: ±0 to 4 MHz in 1 KHz steps
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±15%
Current drain/power consumption: RX: Max 3.5 A
TX: Max 23 A
Antenna impedance/connector: 50 ohm / 2*SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): 340*111*285 mm (13.4*4.37*11.22")
Weight: 9.6 Kg (21.16 lb)
Other features: 32 bit IF-DSP. Built-in auto-AT (HF: 16.7-150 ohm / 6 m: 20-125 ohm). CTCSS/PL.
Built-in RTTY demodulator and keyer. 5" color TFT. CI-V computer control.

Receiver system: Triple-conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: 64.455 MHz
2nd IF: 455 KHz
3rd IF: 36 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N)
0.5-1.8 MHz: 13 uV
1.8-30 MHz: 2 uV (Pre-amp 1 on)
50-54 MHz: 1 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD)
28-30 MHz: 0.5 uV (Pre-amp 1 on)
50-54 MHz: 0.32 uV (Pre-amp 2 on)
1.8-30 MHz: 0.16 uV (Pre-amp 1 on)
50-54 MHz: 0.13 uV (Pre-amp 2 on)
Selectivity: AM (BW=6 KHz)
>6 KHz (-6 dB), <15 KHz (-60 dB)
FM (BW=15 KHz)
>12 KHz (-6 dB), <20 KHz (-60 dB)
>2.4 KHz (-6 dB), <3.6 KHz (-60 dB)
CW (BW=500 Hz)
>500 Hz (-6 dB), <700 Hz (-60 dB)
Image rejection: >70 dB
AF output power/speaker: 2 W at 10% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 8 ohm

RF output power: AM: 5-40 W
FM: 5-100 W
SSB: 5-100 W
CW: 5-100 W
RTTY: 5-100 W
Modulation system: AM: Low power modulation
FM: Phase modulation
SSB: PSN modulation
FM deviation: ±? KHz
Spurious emissions: HF: Less than -50 dB
VHF: Less than -60 dB
Microphone impedance/connector: 600 ohm / 8-pin (Metal locking ring connector)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 2002-2002 (Discontinued)

Prix occasion : 900 euros


Type: Amateur HF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC
RX: 0.1-30 MHz
Tuning steps: 0.625 / 1.25 / 2.5 / 5 / 10 Hz (SSB/CW/FSK)
100 Hz (AM/FM)
Frequency stability: ±10 ppm @ -10 to +50°C (14 to 122°F)
±2 ppm (TCXO-4) or ±0.5 ppm (TCXO-6) options
Mode: TX: AM / FM / SSB / CW / RTTY / Packet
RX: AM / AM-sync / FM / SSB / CW / RTTY / Packet
Channels / memory management: 99 regular
9 scan edge (PMS)
RAM storage with lithium battery backup
Repeater shift / offset: ±0-200 KHz
Power supply: Mains: 100-125 VAC or 200-234 VAC (3-pin IEC C14 connector)
or 13.8 VDC (6-pin Molex connector)
Current drain / power consumption: RX: Max 2.8 A @ 13.8 VDC
TX: Max 19 A @ 13.8 VDC
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm (20-150 ohm with ATU) / Two SO-239 (RX/TX) and one phono/RCA (RX only)
Dimensions (W*H*D): 410*135*347 mm (16.14*5.32*13.66")
Weight: 15 Kg (33.07 lb)
Other features: CTCSS/PL encoder. CAT control. Electronic keyer. Automatic antenna tuner. Twin RX.

Receiver system: Triple conversion superheterodyne (FM)
1st IF: 70.455 MHz
2nd IF: 8.215 MHz
3rd IF: 455 KHz
Quadruple conversion superheterodyne (AM/SSB/CW/FSK)
1st IF: 70.455 MHz
2nd IF: 8.215 MHz
3rd IF: 455 KHz
4th IF: ?
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N, 6 KHz BW)
0.15-0.25 MHz: 40 uV
0.25-0.5 MHz: 32 uV
0.5-1.8 MHz: 16 uV
1.8-30 MHz: 2 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD)
1.8-30 MHz: 0.5 uV
SSB/CW (10 dB S/N, 2.4 KHz BW)
0.15-0.25 MHz: 5 uV
0.25-0.5 MHz: 4 uV
0.5-1.8 MHz: 2 uV
1.8-30 MHz: 0.25 uV
Selectivity: Available bandwidths

Button Modes -6 dB -60 dB
2.4 KHz All except FM 2.2 KHz 4.2 KHz
2.0 KHz All except AM/FM 2.0 KHz 3.6 KHz
500 Hz CW/RTTY/Packet 500 Hz 1.8 KHz
250 Hz CW/RTTY 250 Hz 700 Hz
-- AM Wide 4 KHz 14 KHz
-- FM 8 KHz 19 KHz
Image rejection: Main RX 1.8-30 MHz: 80 dB or better
Sub RX 1.8-30 MHz: 50 dB ore better
AF output power / speaker: 1.5 W at 10% distortion / 4 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm / 4-8 ohm

RF output power:

Max pwr
AM: 25 W
FM: 100 W
SSB (PEP): 100 W
CW: 100 W
Modulation system: AM: A3E Low-level (Early stage)
FM: F3E Variable reactance
SSB: J3E Balanced, filtered carrier
AFSK: J1D, J2D Audio frequency shift keying
Max FM deviation (Factory set): ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Better than -50 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 500-600 ohm / 8-pin (Metal locking ring connector)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 1995-200x (Discontinued)

Prix occasion : 900 euros



ic718 ft450d

2 postes de début de gamme de qualité et abordables




Type: Amateur HF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC
RX: 0.030-30 MHz
Tuning steps: 1 / 10 / 100 Hz, 1 / 5 / 9 / 10 / 100 KHz
Frequency stability: ±350 Hz @ 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)
Mode: AM / SSB / CW / RTTY
Channels / memory management: 99 regular
2 scan edges
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift / offset: No
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±15%
Current drain / power consumption: RX: 1.3 to 2 A
TX: Max 20 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): 240*95*239 mm (9.45*3.74*9.41")
Weight: 3.8 Kg (8.38 lb)
Other features: NB. Attenuator. VOX.

Receiver system: Double conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: 64.455 MHz
2nd IF: 455 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N)
0.5-1.8 MHz: 13 uV
1.8-30 MHz: 2 uV
1.8-30 MHz: 0.16 uV
Selectivity: AM: 6 KHz (-6 dB), 20 KHz (-40 dB)
SSB/CW/RTTY: 2.1 KHz (-6 dB), 4.5 KHz (-60 dB
Image rejection: 70 dB
AF output power / speaker: 2 W at 10% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 8 ohm

RF output power:
AM: 2-40 W
SSB (PEP): 2-100 W
CW (DC): 2-100 W
RTTY: 2-100 W
Modulation system: AM: Low level
SSB: Balanced
Max FM deviation (Factory set): No FM
Spurious emissions: Better than -50 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 600 ohm / 8-pin (Metal locking ring connector)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 2000-20xx
Additional info: New price 2000 in Sweden: SEK 11800:-
New price 2008 in Sweden: SEK 8300

Prix occasion : 400 euros Prix neuf : 700 euros


Type: Amateur HF/VHF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 6 m
RX: 0.03-56 MHz
Tuning steps: 10 / 100 Hz
Frequency stability: ±1 ppm/hour @ 25°C (77°F), after warmup
Mode: AM / FM / NFM / SSB / CW
Channels / memory management: 500 regular
2 home
2 scan edge pairs
1 Alaska emergency channel
5 fixed 60 m band channels
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift / offset: ±0 to 9.99 MHz
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±10%
Current drain / power consumption: RX: Max 1.5 A
TX: Max 22 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): 229*84*217 mm (9.02*3.31*8.54")
Weight: 3.6 Kg (7.94 lb)
Other features: IF-DSP. IPO. VOX. CTCSS/PL with tone search. 10 KHz roofing filter.
CW beacon feature. Voice synthesizer. Cloning. Built-in keyer.

Receiver system: Double conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: 67.899 MHz
2nd IF: 24 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (6 KHz, 10 dB S/N)
1.8-30 MHz: 2 uV
50-54 MHz: 1 uV
FM (15 KHz, 12 dB SINAD)
28-30 MHz: 0.5 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.3 uV
SSB/CW (2.4 KHz, 10 dB S/N)
1.8-30 MHz: 0.25 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.2 uV
Selectivity: AM: 6 KHz (-6 dB), 20 KHz (-60 dB)
FM: 15 KHz (-6 dB), 30 KHz (-60 dB)
NFM: 9 KHz (-6 dB), 25 KHz (-60 dB)
SSB: 2.2 KHz (-6 dB), 4.5 KHz (-60 dB)
CW: 250 Hz (-6 dB), 700 Hz (-60 dB)
Image rejection: HF: 80 dB
6 m: 65 dB
AF output power / speaker: 2.2 W at 10% distortion / 4 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 4-16 ohm

RF output power:

Max pwr
AM: 25 W
FM/NFM: 100 W
SSB (PEP): 100 W
CW: 100 W
Modulation system: AM: Low-level (Early stage)
FM: Variable reactance
SSB: Balanced
Max FM deviation (Factory set): FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Better than -60 dB (10-160 m)
Better than -70 dB (6 m)
Microphone impedance / connector: 200 ohm to 10 Kohm (600 ohm nominal) / 8-pin (Modular)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: 201x-201x (Discontinued)
Additional info: This is an improved FT-450 with backlit buttons, narrower CW-filter,
automatic ATU as standard plus a few other improvements.

New price 2012 in Sweden: SEK 10995

Prix occasion : 400 euros et Prix neuf : 670 euros



ts480sat ft891

2 postes pour le mobile ou le shack radio




Type: Amateur HF/VHF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 6 m
RX: 0.03-60 MHz
Tuning steps: 1 / 10 / 100 / 500 Hz
1 / 2.5 / 5 / 6.25 / 9 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 50 / 100 KHz
1 MHz
Frequency stability: ±5 ppm @ -10 to +50°C (14 to 122°F)
Mode: AM / FM / NFM / SSB / CW / FSK
Channels / memory management: 100 regular
10 quick memories
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift / offset: No dedicated. Use VFO A/B split instead
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±15%
Current drain / power consumption: RX: 1.5 A (No signal)
TX: Max 20.5 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / Two SO-239 (On pigtails)
Dimensions (W*H*D): Transceiver: 179*69.5*278 mm (7*2.75*10.9")
Control panel: 183*78*68 mm (7.2*3*2.6")
Weight: Transceiver: 3.2 Kg (7 lb)
Control panel: 500 g (1.1 lb)
Other features: CTCSS/PL. Built-in keyer. DSP.

Receiver system: Double conversion superheterodyne (AM/SSB/CW/FSK)
1st IF: 73.095 MHz
2nd IF: 10.695 MHz
Triple conversion superheterodyne (FM/NFM)
1st IF: 73.095 MHz
2nd IF: 10.695 MHz
3rd IF: 455 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N)
0.5-1.705 MHz: 31.6 uV
1.705-24.5 MHz: 2 uV
24.5-30 MHz: 1.3 uV
50-54 MHz: 1.3 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD)
28-30 MHz: 0.22 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.22 uV
SSB/CW/FSK (10 dB S/N)
0.5-1.705 MHz: 4 uV
1.705-24.5 MHz: 0.2 uV
24.5-30 MHz: 0.13 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.13 uV
Selectivity: AM: 5 KHz (-6 dB), 40 KHz (-60 dB)
FM: 12 KHz (-6 dB), 25 KHz (-50 dB)
SSB: 2.4 KHz (-6 dB), 4.4 KHz (-60 dB)
Image rejection: 70 dB
AF output power / speaker: 2 W at 10% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 8 ohm

RF output power:
AM: 5-25 W
FM/NFM: 5-100 W
SSB (PEP): 5-100 W
CW/FSK: 5-100 W
Modulation system: AM: Low level
FM: Phase
SSB: Balanced
Max FM deviation (Factory set): FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Better than -50 dB (HF)
Better than -60 dB (6 m)
Microphone impedance / connector: 600 ohm / 8-pin modular (RJ45)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: 2004-201x (Discontinued)
Additional info: New price 2015 in Sweden: SEK 8795:-
New price 2017 in Sweden: SEK 10495

Prix occasion : 500 euros et Prix neuf : 900 euros


Type: Amateur HF/VHF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 6 m
RX: 0.03-56 MHz
Tuning steps: 2 / 5 / 10 / 100 Hz, 2.5 / 5 / 6.25 / 9 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 50 / 100 KHz
Frequency stability: AM/SSB/CW
±0.5 ppm @ -10 to +50°C (14 to 122°F)
±1 KHz @ -10 to +50°C (14 to 122°F)
Mode: AM / FM / NFM / SSB / CW
Channels / memory management: 99 regular with alpha tags
9 scan edge pairs (PMS)
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift / offset: 10 m: ±0-1 MHz
6 m: ±0-4 MHz
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±15%
Current drain / power consumption: RX: Max 2 A
TX: Max 23 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): 155*52*218 mm (6.1*2*8.6")
Weight: 1.9 Kg (4.18 lb)
Other features: CTCSS/PL and DCS. Quick spectrum scope. USB port. Built-in keyer. IF-DSP.

Receiver system: Double conversion superheterodyne (FM)
1st IF: 69.450 MHz
2nd IF: 450 KHz
Triple conversion superheterodyne (AM/SSB/CW)
1st IF: 69.450 MHz
2nd IF: 450 KHz
3rd IF 24 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N)
0.5-1.8 MHz: 5 uV
1.8-30 MHz: 1.6 uV
50-54 MHz: 1.6 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD)
28-30 MHz: 0.35 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.35 uV
SSB/CW (10 dB S/N)
1.8-30 MHz: 0.16 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.16 uV
Selectivity: AM
6 KHz (-6 dB), 15 KHz (-60 dB)
12 KHz (-6 dB), 30 KHz (-50 dB)
9 KHz (-6 dB), 25 KHz (-50 dB)
2.4 KHz (-6 dB), 3.6 KHz (-60 dB)
500 Hz (-6 dB), 750 Hz (-60 dB)
Image rejection:
AF output power / speaker: 2.5 W at 10% distortion / 4 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 4-16 ohm

RF output power:

Max pwr
AM: 40 W
FM: 100 W
SSB (PEP): 100 W
CW: 100 W
Modulation system: AM: Low-level
FM: Variable reactance
SSB: Balanced
Max FM deviation (Factory set): FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: HF: Better than -50 dB
6 m: Better than -63 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 200 ohm to 10 Kohm (600 ohm nominal) / 8-pin (Modular)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 2016-202x
Additional info: New price, september 2022 in Sweden: SEK 9495

Prix occasion : 500 euros et Prix neuf : 700 euros




ic7300 ftdx10

Les postes décamétriques SDR



ICOM IC-7300

Type: Amateur HF/VHF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: HF / 6 m (Also 4 m for european version)
RX: 0.03-74.8 MHz
Tuning steps: Down to 1 Hz
Frequency stability: Less than ±0.5 ppm @-10 to +60°C (14 to 140°F)
Mode: AM / FM / SSB / CW / RTTY
Channels / memory management: 99 regular with alpha tags (10 characters)
2 scan edge
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift / offset: Programmable
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±15%
Current drain / power consumption: RX: Max 1.25 A
TX: Max 21 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm (16.7-150 ohm with ATU on) / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): 240*94*238 mm (9.45*3.7*9.4")
Weight: 4.2 Kg (9.3 lb)
Other features: 4.3" touch-TFT. CTCSS/PL. High performance real-time band scope.
Built-in ATU and keyer. USB-connector for audio in/out and CI-V.

Receiver system: Direct sampling superheterodyne
IF: 36 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N)
0.5-1.8 MHz: 12.6 uV
1.8-30 MHz: 2 uV
30-1000 MHz: 1.4 uV
6 m: 1 uV
4 m: 1 uV (European version only)
FM (12 dB SINAD)
28-29.7 MHz: 0.5 uV
6 m: 0.25 uV
4 m: 0.25 uV (European version only)
SSB/CW (10 dB S/N)
1.8-30 MHz: 0.16 uV
6 m: 0.13 uV
4 m: 0.16 uV (European version only)
Selectivity: AM (Filter: Sharp, BW: 6 KHz)
6 KHz (-6 dB), 10 KHz (-40 dB)
FM (Filter: Sharp, BW: 15 KHz)
12 KHz (-6 dB), 22 KHz (-40 dB)
SSB (Filter: Sharp, BW: 2.4 KHz)
2.4 KHz (-6 dB), 3.4 KHz (-40 dB)
CW (Filter: Sharp, BW: 500 Hz)
500 Hz (-6 dB), 700 Hz (-40 dB)
RTTY (Filter: Sharp, BW: 500 Hz)
500 Hz (-6 dB), 800 Hz (-40 dB)
Image rejection: 70 dB (Except for ADC aliasing)
AF output power / speaker: 2.5 W at 10% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm

RF output power:

HF 6 m 4 m
AM: 1-25 W 1-25 W 1-12.5 W
FM: 2-100 W 2-100 W 2-50 W
SSB (PEP): 2-100 W 2-100 W 2-50 W
CW: 2-100 W 2-100 W 2-50 W
RTTY: 2-100 W 2-100 W 2-50 W

NB! The 4 m band is only available for the european version
Modulation system: AM: Low power modulation
FM: Reactance nodulation
SSB: PSN modulation
Max FM deviation (Factory set): ±? KHz
Spurious emissions: HF: Better than -40 dB
6 m: Better than -60 dB
70 MHz: Better than -60 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 600 ohm / 8-pin (Metal locking ring connector)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 2016-201x
Additional info: New price 2016 in Sweden: SEK 14495:-
New price 2020 in Sweden: SEK 13995

Prix occasion: 850 euros et Prix neuf : 1300 euros


Type: Amateur HF/VHF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC and 60 m / 6 m (Also 4 m for Europe)
RX: 0.03-75 MHz
Tuning steps: 1 / 10 Hz (SSB/CW)
10 / 100 Hz (AM/FM)
Frequency stability: ±0.5 ppm @ 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F), after 1 minute warmup
Mode: AM / FM / SSB / CW / RTTY / PSK
Channels / memory management: 99 regular with alpha tags (12 characters)
5 QMB (Expandable to 10)
9 scan edge pairs (PMS)
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift / offset: 10 m: 0-1 MHz in 10 KHz steps
6 m: 0-4 MHz in 10 KHz steps
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±15% (4-pin)
Current drain / power consumption: RX: 3 A
TX: Max 23 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / SO-239
(16.7-150 ohm HF and 25-100 ohm 6 m with ATU on)
Dimensions (W*H*D): 266*91*263 mm (10.47*3.58*10.35")
Weight: 5.9 Kg (13 lb)
Other features: Hybrid SDR. 5" color touch TFT. 12 KHz, 3 KHz and 500 Hz roofing filters.
RMDR more than 116 dB. 3rd IMDR better than 109 dB. 250 MHz HRDDS.
3D spectrum stream. Hi-speed ATU with 100 memories. SD card slot.
CAT control. RS-232C. USB A/B. DVI. CTCSS/PL.

Receiver system: Double conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: 9.005 MHz
2nd IF: 24 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N, 6 KHz BW)
0.5-1.8 MHz: 7.9 uV
1.8-30 MHz: 2 uV
50-54 MHz: 1 uV
70.0-70.5 MHz: 2 uV
FM (15 dB SINAD, 12 KHz BW)
28-30 MHz: 0.25 uV
50-54 MHz: 1 uV
70.0-70.5 MHz: 0.25 uV
SSB/CW (10 dB S/N, 2.4 KHz BW)
1.8-30 MHz: 0.16 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.125 uV
70.0-70.5 MHz: 0.16 uV
Mode -6 dB -60 dB
AM 6 KHz 15 KHz
FM 12 KHz 25 KHz
SSB 2.4 KHz 3.6 KHz
CW 500 Hz 750 Hz
Image rejection: 70 dB (HF)
60 dB (6 & 4 m)
AF output power / speaker: 2.5 W at 10% distortion / 4 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 4-16 ohm

RF output power:

HF 6 m
AM: 5-25 W 5-25 W
FM: 5-100 W 5-100 W
SSB (PEP): 5-100 W 5-100 W
CW: 5-100 W 5-100 W
Modulation system: AM: Low-level (Early stage)
FM: Variable reactance
SSB: Balanced
Max FM deviation (Factory set): Normal: ±5 KHz
Narrow: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Better than -50 dB (HF)
Better than -63 dB (6 m)
Better than -60 dB (4 m)
Microphone impedance / connector: 200 ohm to 10 Kohm (600 ohm nominal) / 8-pin (Modular)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: 2020-202x
Additional info: New price 2021 in Sweden: SEK 18995

Prix occasio : 950 euros et Prix neuf : 1470 euros




Les postes multibandes (HF-VHF-UHF) tous modes

Certaienment le meilleur choix pour commencer en tant que radioamateur avec un petit budget. En effet ces postes vous proposent dans un seul boîtier, les principales bandes radioamateurs dans tous les modes, bref, le compromis idéal ! Ils sont assez souvent de petites tailles et donc transportables. Ces postes peuvent donc être utilisés dans le shasck radio comme à l'extérieur...



ic706mk2g ft897

2 postes mobiles multibandes




Type: Amateur HF/VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 50-54 / 144-146 / 430-440 MHz (Europe)
TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 50-54 / 144-148 / 430-450 MHz (USA)
RX: 0.03-200 / 400-470 MHz
Tuning steps: 1 / 10 / 100 Hz, 1 / 5 / 9 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 100 KHz
Frequency stability: Less than ±5 ppm @ 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)
Mode: TX: AM / FM / NFM / SSB / CW / RTTY
Channels/memory management: 99 regular with alpha tags (9 characters)
6 scan edges
2 call
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift/offset: Programmable
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±15%
Current drain/power consumption: RX: 1.8 to 2.0 A
TX: Max 20 A
Antenna impedance/connector: HF/6 m: 50 ohm / SO-239
2 m/70 cm: 50 ohm / SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): 167*58*200 mm (6.58*2.28*7.87")
Weight: 2.45 Kg (5.4 lb)
Other features: CTCSS/PL with tone scan. CI-V. Electronic keyer. SWR-meter. 1750 Hz tone call.
NB. IF-Shift. Simple band-scope. VOX. Detachable front panel.

Receiver system: Double conversion superheterodyne (AM/WFM/SSB/CW/RTTY)
1st IF: 69.01 MHz (AM/SSB/CW/RTTY), 70.7 MHz (WFM)
2nd IF: 9.01 MHz
Triple conversion superheterodyne (FM/NFM)
1st IF: 69.01 MHz
2nd IF: 9.01 MHz
3rd IF: 455 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N)
0.5-1.8 MHz: 13 uV
1.8-29.7 MHz: 2 uV
50-54 MHz: 1 uV
144-148 MHz: 1 uV
430-440 MHz: 1 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD)
28-29.7 MHz: 0.5 uV
144-148 MHz: 0.18 uV
430-440 MHz: 0.18 uV
76-108 MHz: 10 uV
SSB/CW (10 dB S/N)
1.8-29.7 MHz: 0.15 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.12 uV
144-148 MHz: 0.11 uV
430-440 MHz: 0.11 uV
Selectivity: AM/NFM: 8 KHz (-6 dB), 30 KHz (-40 dB)
FM: 12 KHz (-6 dB), 30 KHz (-60 dB)
SSB/CW/RTTY: 3 KHz (-6 dB), 4.8 KHz (-60 dB)
Image rejection: HF: >70 dB
6 m: 65 dB
2 m/70 cm: 65 dB
AF output power/speaker: 2 W at 10% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 8 ohm

RF output power:
HF AM: 2-40 W, FM/SSB/CW/RTTY: 5-100 W
6 m AM: 2-40 W, FM/SSB/CW/RTTY: 5-100 W
2 m AM: 2-20 W, FM/SSB/CW/RTTY: 5-50 W
70 cm AM: 2-8 W, FM/SSB/CW/RTTY: 2-20 W
Modulation system: AM: Low level modulation
FM: Variable reactance modulation
SSB: Balanced modulation
FM deviation: FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Less than -60 dB
Microphone impedance/connector: 600 ohm / 8-pin (Modular)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 1999-2009 (Discontinued)
Additional info: Nwe price 1999 in the UK: £1195
New price 2008 in Sweden: SEK 12500

Prix occasion : 500 euros


Type: Amateur HF/VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 6 m / 2 m / 70 cm
RX: 0.1-56 / 76-108 / 118-164 / 420-470 MHz
Tuning steps: 10 / 20 / 100 / 200 Hz, 2.5 / 5 / 6.25 / 9 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 50 KHz
Frequency stability: ±4 ppm @ 25°C (77°F) during the first 60 minutes after power on
1 ppm / hour thereafter
±0.5 ppm option (TCXO-9)
Mode: TX: AM / FM / NFM / SSB / CW
RX: AM / FM / NFM / WFM / SSB / CW
Channels / memory management: 200 regular with alpha tags
4 home
5 scan edge pairs (PMS)
Priority function
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift / offset: ±0-99.99 MHz
Power supply: 13.5 VDC ±15% (6-pin Molex connector)
or mains from optional internal PSU
or 13.2 VDC from optional NiMH battery pack
Current drain / power consumption: RX: Max 1 A
TX: Max 22 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / One SO-239 and one N-jack (Europe) or two SO-239 (USA)
Dimensions (W*H*D): 200*80*262 mm (7.87*3.15*10.31")
Weight: 3.9 Kg (8.6 lb)
Other features: CTCSS/PL and DCS with tone search. Built-in keyer. Beacon mode.
Spectrum scope monitor. CW trainer. Attenuator (10 dB). NB. ARS.
32 color display. Dimmer. CAT control. Beacon feature. Cloning.
ARTS. 1K2 / 9K6 packet jack.

Receiver system: Single conversion superheterodyne (WFM)
IF: 10.7 MHz
Double conversion superheterodyne (AM/FM/NFM/SSB/CW)
1st IF: 68.33 MHz
2nd IF: 455 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N)
0.1-1.8 MHz: 32 uV
1.8-30 MHz: 2 uV
50-54 MHz: 1 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD)
28-30 MHz: 0.5 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.2 uV
2 m: 0.2 uV
70 cm: 0.2 uV
SSB/CW (10 dB S/N)
1.8-30 MHz: 0.2 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.125 uV
2 m: 0.125 uV
70 cm: 0.125 uV
Selectivity: AM:
6 KHz (-6 dB)
20 KHz (-60 dB)
15 KHz (-6 dB)
30 KHz (-60 dB)
9 KHz (-6 dB)
25 KHz (-60 dB)
2.2 KHz (-6 dB)
4.5 KHz (-60 dB)
SSB (With optional YF-122S):
2.3 KHz (-6 dB)
4.7 KHz (-60 dB)
CW-N (With optional YF-122C):
500 Hz (-6 dB)
2 KHz (-60 dB)
Image rejection: HF/6 m: 70 dB
2 m/70 cm: 60 dB
AF output power / speaker: 2.5 W at 10% distortion / 4 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 4-16 ohm

RF output power:

HF 6 m 2 m 70 cm
AM: 25 W 25 W 12.5 W 5 W
FM/NFM: 100 W 100 W 50 W 20 W
SSB (PEP): 100 W 100 W 50 W 20 W
CW: 100 W 100 W 50 W 20 W
Modulation system: AM: Early stage (Low level)
FM: Variable reactance
SSB: Balanced modulator
Max FM deviation (Factory set): FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: HF: Better than -50 dB
VHF/UHF: Better than -60 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 200 ohm to 10 Kohm (600 ohm nominal) / 8-pin (Modular)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 2001-2004 (Discontinued)

Prix occasion : 450 euros



ft857 ft991

2 multibandes de 2 époques de chez Yaesu




Type: Amateur HF/VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC and 60 m / 6 m / 2 m / 70 cm
RX: 0.1-76 / 118-164 / 420-470 MHz
Tuning steps: 10 / 20 / 100 / 200 Hz, 2.5 / 5 / 6.25 / 9 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 50 KHz
Frequency stability: ±4 ppm @ 25°C (77°F) during the first 60 minutes after power on
1 ppm / hour thereafter
±0.5 ppm option (TCXO-9)
Mode: TX: AM / FM / NFM / SSB / CW
RX: AM / FM / NFM / SSB / CW / WFM
Channels / memory management: 200 regular with alpha tags
4 home
5 scan edge pairs (PMS)
Priority function
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift / offset: ±0-99.99 MHz
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±15% (6-pin Molex connector on pigtail)
Current drain / power consumption: RX: 0.55-1 A
TX: Max 22 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / One SO-239 and one N-jack (Europe) or two SO-239 (USA)
Dimensions (W*H*D): 155*52*233 mm (6.1*2.05*9.17")
Weight: 2.1 Kg (4.63 lb)
Other features: CTCSS/PL and DCS with tone search. Built-in keyer. Beacon mode.
Spectrum scope monitor. Detachable front panel. CW trainer.
32 color display. Dimmer. CAT control. Beacon feature. Cloning.
Attenuator (10 dB). NB. ARS. ARTS. 1K2 / 9K6 packet jack.
DSP is standard in this updated version.

Receiver system: Single conversion superheterodyne (WFM)
IF: 10.7 MHz
Double conversion superheterodyne (AM/FM/NFM/SSB/CW)
1st IF: 68.33 MHz
2nd IF: 455 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N)
0.1-1.8 MHz: 32 uV
1.8-30 MHz: 2 uV
50-54 MHz: 1 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD)
28-30 MHz: 0.5 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.2 uV
2 m: 0.2 uV
70 cm: 0.2 uV
SSB/CW (10 dB S/N)
1.8-30 MHz: 0.2 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.125 uV
2 m: 0.125 uV
70 cm: 0.125 uV
Selectivity: AM:
6 KHz (-6 dB)
20 KHz (-60 dB)
15 KHz (-6 dB)
30 KHz (-60 dB)
9 KHz (-6 dB)
25 KHz (-60 dB)
2.2 KHz (-6 dB)
4.5 KHz (-60 dB)
SSB (With optional YF-122S):
2.3 KHz (-6 dB)
4.7 KHz (-60 dB)
CW-N (With optional YF-122C):
500 Hz (-6 dB)
2 KHz (-60 dB)
CW-N (With optional YF-122CN):
300 Hz (-6 dB)
1 KHz (-60 dB)
Image rejection: HF/6 m: 70 dB
2 m/70 cm: 60 dB
AF output power / speaker: 2.5 W at 10% distortion / 4 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 4-16 ohm

RF output power:

HF 6 m 2 m 70 cm
AM: 25 W 25 W 12.5 W 5 W
FM: 100 W 100 W 50 W 20 W
SSB (PEP): 100 W 100 W 50 W 20 W
CW: 100 W 100 W 50 W 20 W
Modulation system: AM: Early stage (Low level)
FM: Variable reactance
SSB: Balanced modulator
Max FM deviation (Factory set): FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: HF: Better than -50 dB
VHF/UHF: Better than -60 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 200 ohm to 10 Kohm (600 ohm nominal) / 8-pin (Modular)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 2004-201x (Discontinued)


Prix occasion : 500 euros et prix neuf : 830 euros


Type: Amateur HF/VHF/UHF transceiver (System fusion concept)
Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 6 m / 2 m / 70 cm

RX: 0.03-56 / 118-164 / 420-470 MHz
Tuning steps: 5 / 10 / 100 Hz, 1 KHz
Frequency stability: ±0.5 ppm @ -10 to +50°C (14 to 122°F), after 1 minute warmup
Mode: AM / FM / NFM / SSB / CW / RTTY / PSK / DV (C4FM)
Channels / memory management: 99 regular with alpha tags (12 characters)
9 PMS (Band edge pairs)
5 QMB (Quick Memory Banks)
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift/offset: 10 m: ±10 KHz to 1 MHz (10 KHz steps)
6 m: ±10 KHz to 4 MHz (10 KHz steps)
2 m: ±10 KHz to 4 MHz (10 KHz steps)
70 cm: ±10 KHz to 10 MHz (10 KHz steps)
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±15%
Current drain / power consumption: RX: 1.8 to 2.2 A
TX: Max 23 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm (Tuner on, HF: 16.7-150 ohm, 6 m: 25-100 ohm) / Two SO-239
(One SO-239 + one N-jack for Europe)
Dimensions (W*H*D): 229*80*253 mm (9*3.2*10")
Weight: 4.3 Kg (9.5 lb)
Other features: 3.5" color touchscreen. CTCSS/PL and DCS. High speed spectrum scope.
32-bit IF-DSP. Built-in automatic antenna tuner. USB connector.
CAT & GPS connector.

Receiver system: Double conversion superheterodyne (FM/NFM/C4FM)
1st IF: 69.450 MHz
2nd IF: 450 KHz
Triple conversion superheterodyne (AM/SSB/CW)
1st IF: 69.450 MHz
2nd IF: 9 MHz
3rd IF: 24 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (6 KHz - 10 dB S+N/N)
0.5-1.8 MHz: 5 uV (Amp 2 on)
1.8-30 MHz: 1.6 uV (Amp 2 on)
50-54 MHz: 1.25 uV (Amp 2 on)
FM (15 KHz - 12 dB SINAD)
28-30 MHz: 0.35 uV (Amp 2 on)
50-54 MHz: 0.35 uV (Amp 2 on)
144-148 MHz: 0.18 uV
430-440 MHz: 0.18 uV
SSB/CW (2.4 KHz - 10 dB S+N/N)
1.8-30 MHz: 0.158 uV (Amp 2 on)
50-54 MHz: 0.125 uV (Amp 2 on)
144-148 MHz: 0.11 uV
430-450 MHz: 0.11 uV
Selectivity: AM
6 KHz (-6 dB), 15 KHz (-60 dB)
12 KHz (-6 dB), 30 KHz (-60 dB)
2.4 KHz (-6 dB), 3.6 KHz (-60 dB)
500 Hz (-6 dB), 750 Hz (-60 dB)
Image rejection: HF/6 m: 70 dB
2 m/70 cm: 60 dB
AF output power / speaker: 2.5 W at 10% distortion / 4 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 4-8 ohm

RF output power:

HF 6 m 2 m 70 cm
AM: 2-25 W 2-25 W 1-12 W 1-12 W
FM/NFM: 5-100 W 5-100 W 2-50 W 2-50 W
SSB (PEP): 5-100 W 5-100 W 2-50 W 2-50 W
CW (DC): 5-100 W 5-100 W 2-50 W 2-50 W
RTTY/PSK: 5-100 W 5-100 W 2-50 W 2-50 W
DV (C4FM): 5-100 W 5-100 W 2-50 W 2-50 W
Modulation system: AM: Low-level, early stage
FM: Variable reactance
SSB: Balanced
DV/C4FM: 4-level FSK
Max FM deviation (Factory set): FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: HF: Better than -50 dB
6 m: Better than -63 dB
2 m/70 cm: Better than -60 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 200 ohm to 10 Kohm (600 ohm nominal) / 8-pin (Modular)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 2016-202x
Additional info: This is an updated FT-991 with realtime bandscope and multi-colored waterfall.

New price 2021 in Sweden: SEK 15995:-
New price, july 2022 in Sweden: SEK 16995

Prix occasion : 850 euros et prix neuf : 1350 euros



ft847 ic7100

Une base Yaesu et un mobile icom




Type: Amateur HF/VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range: Europe
TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 50-54 / 144-146 / 430-440 MHz (Also 4 m in the UK)
RX: 0.1-76 / 108-174 / 420-512 MHz
TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 50-54 / 144-148 / 430-450 MHz
RX: 0.1-76 / 108-174 / 420-512 MHz
Tuning steps: Minimum 0.1 Hz (SSB/CW)
Minimum 10 Hz (AM/FM)
Frequency stability: AM/SSB/CW/AFSK
±2 ppm @ 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F)
±5 ppm +1 KHz @ 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F)
Mode: AM / FM / FM-N / SSB / CW / AFSK
Channels / memory management: 78 regular
4 Home
1 scan edge pair (PMS)
1 Prio
12 satellite with alpha tags (8 characters)
RAM storage with lithium battery backup
Repeater shift / offset: ±0-99.99 MHz
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±10% (6-pin Molex connector)
Current drain / power consumption: RX: Max 2 A
TX: Max 22 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / Three SO-239 and one N-jack
Dimensions (W*H*D): 260*86*270 mm (10.24*3.39*10.63")
Weight: 7 Kg (15.43 lb)
Other features: CTCSS/PL and DCS. 1750 Hz tone call. CAT control. 9K6 packet ready.
Crossband repeater. Dimmer. Cloning. DSP.

Receiver system: ? conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: ? MHz
2nd IF: ? KHz
Sensitivity: AM-N (10 dB S/N)
0.5-1.8 MHz: 20 uV
1.8-30 MHz: 2 uV
50-54 MHz: 1 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD)
28-30 MHz: 0.5 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.25 uV
2 m: 0.2 uV
70 cm: 0.2 uV
SSB/CW (10 dB S/N)
1.8-30 MHz: 0.25 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.2 uV
2 m: 0.125 uV
70 cm: 0.125 uV
Selectivity: AM:
9 KHz (-6 dB)
20 KHz (-60 dB)
2.2 KHz (-6 dB)
4.5 KHz (-60 dB)
15 KHz (-6 dB)
30 KHz (-60 dB)
9 KHz (-6 dB)
20 KHz (-60 dB)
2.2 KHz (-6 dB)
4.5 KHz (-60 dB)
CW-N (With optional YF-115C):
500 Hz (-6 dB)
2 KHz (-60 dB)
Image rejection: 60 dB
AF output power / speaker: 1.5 W at 10% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 4-16 ohm

RF output power:

HF 6 m 2 m 70 cm
AM: 25 W 25 W 12.5 W 12.5 W
FM: 100 W 100 W 50 W 50 W
SSB (PEP): 100 W 100 W 50 W 50 W
CW/FSK: 100 W 100 W 50 W 50 W
Modulation system: AM: Early stage, low level
FM: Variable reactance
SSB: Balanced modulation
Max FM deviation (Factory set): FM: ±5 KHz
FM-N: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: HF: Better than -50 dB
6 m/2 m/70 cm: Better than -60 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 200 ohm to 10 Kohm (600 ohm nominal) / 8-pin (Metal locking ring connector)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 1998-2005 (Discontinued)
Additional info: New price, february 1998 in the UK: £1695.00

Prix occasion : 650 euros

ICOM IC-7100

Type: Amateur HF/VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range: Europe
TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 6 m / 4 m / 2 m / 70 cm
RX: 0.03-200 / 400-470 MHz
TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 6 m / 2 m / 70 cm
RX: 0.03-200 / 400-470 MHz
Tuning steps: Down to 1 Hz
Frequency stability: ±0.5 ppm @ 0-50°C (32-122°F), after 5 minutes warmup
Mode: TX: AM / FM / SSB / CW / RTTY / DV (D-Star)
RX: AM / FM / WFM / SSB / CW / RTTY / DV (D-Star)
Channels / memory management: 495 regular in 5 banks
3 scan edge pairs
4 call
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift / offset: ±0-9.999 MHz in 1 KHz steps
Power supply: 13.8 VDC ±15%
Current drain / power consumption: RX: 0.9 to 1.2 A
TX: Max 22 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / Two SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): RF unit: 167*58*225 mm (6.58*2.28*8.86")
Controller: 165*64*78 mm (6.5*2.52*3.07")
Weight: RF unit: 2.3 Kg (5.07 lb)
Controller: 500 g (1.1 lb)
Other features: CTCSS/PL and DTCS with tone scan. 1750 Hz tone call. CI-V. Voice recorder.
Dot-matrix touch-screen controller. IF-DSP. SD memory card slot. Keyer.
USB audio in/out. Remote control. SWR meter.

Receiver system: Double conversion superheterodyne (WFM)
1st IF: 134.732 MHz
2nd IF: 10.7 MHz
Triple conversion superheterodyne (AM/FM/SSB/CW/RTTY)
1st IF: 124.487 MHz
2nd IF: 455 KHz
3rd IF: 36 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N)
0.5-1.8 MHz: 13 uV
1.8-29.9 MHz: 2 uV
50-54/70 MHz: 1 uV
144/430 MHz: 1 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD)
28-29.9 MHz: 0.5 uV
50-54/70 MHz: 0.25 uV
144/430 MHz: 0.18 uV
76-108 MHz: 10 uV
1.8-29.9 MHz: 0.15 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.12 uV
70 MHz: 0.15 uV (European version only)
144/430 MHz: 0.11 uV
DV (D-Star, 1% BER)
28-29.7 MHz: 1 uV
50-54/70 MHz: 0.63 uV
144/430 MHz: 0.35 uV
Selectivity: AM (BW=6 KHz, filter set to Sharp)
6 KHz (-6 dB), 10 KHz (-40 dB)
FM (BW=15 KHz, filter set to Sharp)
12 KHz (-6 dB), 22 KHz (-40 dB)
SSB (BW=2.4 KHz, filter set to Sharp)
2.4 KHz (-6 dB), 3.4 KHz (-40 dB)
CW (BW=500 Hz, filter set to Sharp)
500 Hz (-6 dB), 700 Hz (-40 dB)
RTTY (BW=500 Hz, filter set to Sharp)
500 Hz (-6 dB), 800 Hz (-40 dB)
Image rejection: HF/6 m: 70 dB
2 m/70 cm: 65 dB
AF output power / speaker: 2 W at 10% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 8 ohm (2-conductor)

RF output power:

HF 6 m 4 m 2 m 70 cm
AM: 1-30 W 1-30 W 1-15 W -- --
FM/NFM: 2-100 W 2-100 W 2-50 W 2-50 W 3-35 W
SSB (PEP): 2-100 W 2-100 W 2-50 W 2-50 W 3-35 W
CW/RTTY: 2-100 W 2-100 W 2-50 W 2-50 W 3-35 W
DV: 2-100 W 2-100 W 2-50 W 2-50 W 3-35 W

NB! The 4 m band is only available for Europe
Modulation system: AM: Digital low power modulation
FM: Digital phase modulation
SSB: Digital PSN modulation
DV: GMSK digital phase modulation
Max FM deviation (Factory set): FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: Better than -40 to -60 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 600 ohm / 8-pin (Modular)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 2013-2019 (Discontinued)
Additional info: New price 2014 in Sweden: SEK 14950

Prix occasion : 800 euros et prix neuf : 1200 euros




Les postes multibandes (HF-VHF-UHF) tous modes QRP

Ce sont des postes de petites tailles, légers, peu gourmands en électricité, parfaits pour pratiquer la radio d'amateur en extérieur. Ils sont généralement utilisés dans la pratique des SOTA (Summits On The Air) mais pas que...



ft817 ic705

Le plus utilisé et resistant / le plus performant du moment




Type: Amateur HF/VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range: Europe
TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 50-54 / 144-146 / 430-440 MHz
RX: 0.1-56 / 76-154 / 420-470 MHz
TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 50-54 / 144-148 / 440-450 MHz
RX: 0.1-56 / 76-154 / 420-470 MHz
Tuning steps: AM/FM: Down to 100 Hz
SSB/CW: Down to 10 Hz
Frequency stability: ±4 ppm up to 60 minutes after power on
±1 ppm/hour @ 25°C (±0.5 ppm @ 25°C with optional TCXO-9)
Mode: RX: AM / FM / NFM / WFM / SSB / CW
TX: AM / FM / NFM / SSB / CW
Channels / memory management: 200 regular (With alpha tags)
Home channels
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift / offset: ±0-99.99 MHz in 10 KHz steps (Depending on band)
Power supply: 9.6-12 VDC (8*NiCd/R6/AA) or 8-16 VDC external
Current drain / power consumption: RX: 250-450 mA
TX: Max 2 A
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / BNC on front and SO-239 (M-jack) on the back
Dimensions (W*H*D): 135*38*165 mm (5.32*1.5*6.5")
Weight: 1.17 Kg (2.58 lb), with battery and antenna
Other features: CTCSS/DCS. Spectrum scope. Alpha tags. VOX. ARTS.
9K6 packet ready.

Receiver system: Double conversion superheterodyne (AM/FM/SSB/CW)
1st IF: 68.33 MHz
2nd IF: 455 KHz
Double conversion superheterodyne (WFM)
1st IF: 10.7 MHz
2nd IF: 455 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N)
0.5-1.8 MHz: 32 uV
1.8-30 MHz: 2 uV
50-54 MHz: 2 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD)
28-30 MHz: 0.5 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.32 uV
144/440 MHz: 0.2 uV
SSB/CW (10 dB S/N)
1.8-30 MHz: 0.25 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.2 uV
144/440 MHz: 0.125 uV
Selectivity: AM: 6 KHz (-6 dB), 20 KHz (-60 dB)
FM: 15 KHz (-6 dB), 30 KHz (-60 dB)
FM-N: 9 KHz (-6 dB), 25 KHz (-60 dB)
SSB/CW: 2.2 KHz (-6 dB), 4.5 KHz (-60 dB)
Image rejection: HF/6 m: 70 dB
2 m/70 cm: 60 dB
AF output power / speaker: 1 W at <10% distortion / 8 Ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 4-16 Ohm

RF output power:

@ 13.8 V High
@ 9.6 V Low 3 Low 2 Low 1
AM: 1.5 W 700 mW ? mW ? mW ? mW
FM: 5 W 2.5 W 2.5 W 1 W 500 mW
SSB (PEP): 5 W 2.5 W 2.5 W 1 W 500 mW
CW (DC): 5 W 2.5 W 2.5 W 1 W 500 mW
Modulation system: AM: Early stage, low level
FM: Variable reactance
SSB: Balanced modulator
Max FM deviation (Factory set): FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: HF: Better than -50 dB
VHF/UHF: Better than -60 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: 600 ohm nominal (200 Ohm to 10 Kohm) / 8-pin modular
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 2000-2003 (Discontinued)

Prix occasion : 400 euros et prix neuf : 700 euros (FT-818)


Type: Amateur HF/VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 6 m / 2 m / 70 cm (also 4 m for Europe)
RX: 0.03-200 / 400-470 MHz
Tuning steps: 1 / 10 / 100 / 500 Hz
1 / 5 / 6.25 / 8.33 / 9 / 10 / 12.5 / 20 / 25 / 50 / 100 KHz
Frequency stability: ±0.5 ppm @ -10° to +60°C (14° to 140°F)
Mode: TX: AM / FM / SSB / CW / RTTY / DV (D-Star)
RX: AM / FM / WFM / SSB / CW / RTTY / DV (D-Star)
Channels / memory management: 500 regular
25 scan edge pairs
4 call
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift / offset: ±?
Power supply: 7.4 VDC (BP-272 or BP-307 Li-Ion battery)
or 13.8 VDC ±15% external (
Current drain / power consumption: RX: 400-700 mA @ 7.4 VDC
RX: 260-320 mA @ 13.8 VDC
TX: Max 2.5 A @ 7.4 VDC
TX: Max 3 A @ 13.8 VDC
Antenna impedance / connector: 50 ohm / BNC
Dimensions (W*H*D): 200*84*82 mm (7.9*3.3*3.2")
Weight: 1.1 Kg (2.4 lb), with BP-272
Other features: 4.3" touch screen color display. Spectrum scope and waterfall. Micro SD card slot.
Voice recorder. Built-in Bluetooth, WLAN and GPS (with logger). Picture mode.

Receiver system: Below 25 MHz: RF direct sampling
Above 25 MHz: Down conversion IF sampling
IF: 38.85 MHz ±500 KHz
Sensitivity (Preamp on): AM (10 dB S/N)
0.5-1.8 MHz: 13 uV
1.8-30 MHz: 2 uV
50-54 MHz: 1 uV
2 m/70 cm: 1 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD)
28-30 MHz: 0.5 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.25 uV
2 m/70 cm: 0.18 uV
SSB/CW (10 dB S/N)
1.8-30 MHz: 0.2 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.15 uV
2 m/70 cm: 0.11 uV
28-30 MHz: 1 uV
50-54 MHz: 0.63 uV
2 m/70 cm: 0.35 uV
Selectivity (with filter
set to SHARP): AM (BW: 6 KHz)
6 KHz (-6 dB), 10 KHz (-40 dB)
FM (BW: 15 KHz)
12 KHz (-6 dB), 20 KHz (-40 dB)
SSB (BW: 2.4 KHz)
2.4 KHz (-6 dB), 3.4 KHz (-40 dB)
CW (BW: 500 Hz)
500 Hz (-6 dB), 700 Hz (-40 dB)
RTTY (BW: 500 Hz)
500 Hz (-6 dB), 800 Hz (-40 dB)
DV/D-STAR (12.5 KHz spacing)
-50 dB
Image rejection: HF/6 m: 70 dB
2 m/70 cm: 54 dB
AF output power / speaker: 530 mW at 10% distortion / 12 ohm
External speaker connector: 3.5 mm, 3-conductor

RF output power: Up to 5 W with BP-272 or BP-307 battery pack
Up to 10 W @ 13.8 VDC external power
Modulation system: AM: Digital low power
FM: Digital phase
SSB: Digital PSN
DV: GMSK digital phase
FM deviation: FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions: HF: Less than -50 dB
VHF/UHF: Less than -60 dB
Microphone impedance / connector: ? ohm / 4-conductor (2.5 mm)
Microphone input level: ? mV

Manufactured: Japan, 2020-202x
Additional info: New price, april 2022 in Sweden: SEK 15495:-
New price, may 2022 in Sweden: SEK 16295:-
Related documents: Basic manual (10.9 MB)
Advanced manual (30.5 MB)
Pre-release info (2.7 MB)
Modifications and fixes:
Reviews: Practical Wireless: December 2020

Prix occasion : 950 euros et prix neuf : 1500 euros


Vidéo : Radio amateur - Quel matériel acheter ? - 11/12/2022

de F4HTZ

logos F4HTZ Passion Radio

vidéo : Radio amateur - Quel matériel acheter ? - 2023

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